Joe's Movie Reviews

Thursday, April 20, 2006

I'm Back...

I'm Back...

This is a notice to the friendly person who is so diligent and dedicated to the task of going through not only all of my blog entries but those of seemingly every other blogger who works through, sending those little Spam messages disguised as "Comments" ("I see a lot of awful blogs, but yours is great. Check out mine on how to make a billion dollars answering surveys from your own home" or whatever) under a variety of different names. I realize how difficult it must have been for you these past few months with no new entries here and no way for you to inform me of all the great opportunities coming my way that I have undoubtedly missed out on. Well, you will be pleased to know that while I won't be able to keep this thing up as regularly as I once did, I do plan on returning to the fold and approximately five to six hours from now will be postingmy first actual new review (barring December's Top Ten lists) since last September. You probably have tons of those helpful little messages accumulated, desperately hoping I would return so I could once again be the beneficiary of all the help they provide. Thank you so much. Believe me, you have no idea how exciting this will be for me, too.

I really do mean that. YOU HAVE NO IDEA.


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