What To Do
First, let me say that the reason you ("you" being the mythical, probably non-existent person who's allegedly reading this) haven't seen reviews here as often, and when they have appeared, they haven't covered as many films as they used to, is financial... the only films I've seen in first-run theatres in a fair while are either the two I've seen at Block E courtesy of the 2 free passes from Management (Thanks, Bob Strong) and the six I've seen at AMC theatres courtesy of the 6 AMC passes from my sister (thanks, sis). And then there was the ten-film pass to the Mpls./St. Paul International Film Festival courtesy of still another "sponsor" (thanks, Bonnie). I've seen a bunch at second-run discount houses, but to my mind, by the time a movie gets to one of those places, it's almost time for it to come out on video, and what's the point of writing a review then?
As a result of this, there are a number of films I'd like to see but haven't yet been able to. And for lack of a personal review by me of the Al Gore documentary "An Inconvenient Truth", let me point you towards a web site previously mentioned here... http://worldcantwait.net. There you can find not only a very insightful review of "An Inconvenient Truth", but some suggestions about actions you can take if the film makes you really want to do something about the situation (as it probably will). I would never actually review a film I haven't seen, but in this case recommending one... this particular one, anyhow... well, I have no problem with that.
By the way, if any of you Spam comment masters are reading this, do not interpret any of my comments about finances to mean that I'm interested in any of your fabulous money-making plans. Thanks, anyhow.
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