Johnny Carson
As in "I'm Sorry, I'll Read that Again", I'm going to make a short break here from the movie talk to mention my sadness about the death of Johnny Carson. Yes, I know I don't normally deal with television here other than my incessant references to "Buffy The Vampire Slayer", but Johnny was genuinely one of a kind. Other than Letterman, TV tqalk shows have become such an indistinguishable mess that we may forget that they were once original and actually funny. Even with my many fond memories of Carson's best bits (perhaps the all-time greatest: "The Copper Clapper Caper" with Jack Webb) I was a bit taken aback when I tuned in to the "Tonight Show" last night for the first time in a while and saw some of the old clips for the first time in a long time. The man puts nearly everyone doing the talk show routine today to shame. It's often said that "There will never be another". In this case, that's really true. Goodnight, Johnny... and thanks.
I never really watched Johnny Carson, so my lack of comment on him is not disrespect, but pure ignorance.
But, I couldn't help but notice your "Buffy the Vampire Slayer" reference. I'm a semi-obsessed fan. You should do a blog or two on her - she is definitely blog-worthy!
Second to last, I think John Stewart is hilarious - very good and funny and quite distinguishable talk show host. Whadya think?
And, finally, have you seen Hotel Rwanda?
I'd love to read your review of it.
Sunsara Taylor, at 4:55 PM
Well, thanks to both of my commentators. Sunsara, you can find my review of "Hotel Rwanda" in the "Column" titled "Multiplex", the one that looks like one gigantic link because I was still trying to figure out blogging technology. I don't know that I was shocked or anything that it didn't get more Oscar nominations, but I was dissappointed. I also wish more people would take the film as a kind of call to arms... the people have the power to help and change things if the governments won't. They just have to BELIEVE that they do.
As for Buffy, I believe I will follow up on your suggestion.It took a while for me to start watching the show... I saw my first episode a couple of months into the third season, because I was no great fan of the original movie. But from that point on, I was hooked. I continue to read anything on the show that I can get my hands on and check out the web sites... the best of which, I think, is the BBC Buffy site.
Thanks again.
History 100: Carson definitely had a solid sense of who he was and felt no need to pretend to be anything else. Aside from that, I have to admire his willingness to walk off the stage at the end and stay off... he apparently didn't have the kind of ego that needed constant attention long after he was no longer in the spotlight. Once he was gone, he was gone. How many "Farewell Tours" have certain un-named performers done?
Come to that, I also admire "Buffy" creator Joss Whedon for knowing when his show had gone as far as it could and having the intelligence to take if off before it became a parody of its former self. Would that we could see that kind of thing more often...
Joe Bunce, at 8:44 AM
Oh, yes, one more thing for Sunsara... I don't happen to have cable, so I've never seen Stewart's show. I've heard nothing but good things about it and certainly hope I get the chance to catch it some day... but I just can't bring myself (yet, anyway) to take that cable leap.
Joe Bunce, at 8:47 AM
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